Midweek Update!

It’s midweek and camp is going great! Yesterday was a bit chilly and rainy, but today the sun is shining!

Yesterday, because of the cold weather and rain, some of the scheduled activities had to be rearranged, but it all worked out and the campers all had a great day! The Discoverers spent the chilly day doing some fun activities such as fire building (luckily there were a few dry hours), crafting in the craft coral, and playing kubb! Then last night the girls had a dance party! The theme for yesterday was Teammates. Friendships are a very important part of camp and of life! But sometimes friendships can bring more harm than good. During chapel Paula talked to the girls about making good friendships. She told them that the people around us are our strongest influencers. She asked them if they had fool friends or forever friends. She also gave them four suggestions for places to find forever friends. The first one was our family, second was our church, third was the Bible, and fourth and best was God. At the end of her talk she opened up a time for questions and answers. This was great because many of the girls had questions for her!

Today the girls have been busy learning new skills! They had a class called Miss Fix It! Mike Doud, the maintenance director, taught the girls how to change spark plugs, fix toilets, and change a car's oil! The girls also had an orienteering class. In this class, they learned how to navigate using a compass. Tonight they are having science night. The girls are going to be able to do some fun experiments!

The Roughriders also had fun yesterday in spite of the rain! In the morning they played kick ball 2.0! They are such a great group of boys and are up for almost any game or activity! In the afternoon there was even a group of boys and counselors that played soccer in the rain! Instead of skill builders, they had a dance off in the Oaks Chapel in order to stay out of the rain. Then last night they all watched the Lego Movie!

Today the boys had fun at the beach! They played Nukem, Tug of War, and Sink-a-Canoe. They had so much fun, and even though it was a bit chilly, the sun was out! This morning in chapel they talked about today’s theme which is FOUL. God doesn’t just ask us to use good language. He asks us to treat others with respect through our words and to use our words to encourage others! Tonight the boys will be playing a game called Indiana Jones!

Luckily for the Triple W girls, yesterday the rain was mostly in the afternoon so they were able to do all their horsemanship training in the morning. They learned how to tack their horses, and then they played soccer with the horses! In the afternoon they rehearsed their drill teams and then joined the Discoverers in their dance party. Today they had their normal horsemanship training in the morning, and after lunch they were able to work on a sweet craft!

It’s mid-week but everyone seems to have a good amount of energy and enthusiasm, so thank you for all of your prayer! Please pray that the last two days of camp go as well as the first two!

Kick Ball 2.0!

Learning how to tack!

Playing some paintball!

Dance Party!


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