Go, Diego, Go!

After dinner yesterday, the Roughriders played a Phantom Ranch first (and it seems, a new favorite) called "Diego's Animal Rescue". The relay race course began near the Bonfire pit, wrapped around the entire 5-acre field, and continued down the hill and to the beach. But the boys weren't passing off batons! They had to run with huge blow-up water toys in the shape of an alligator, a sea turtle, a whale, or a dolphin. As they hit the finish line (the waterfront) the campers were able to enjoy their night swim with lots of fun toys like water guns, frisbees, and beach balls. Thank God for allowing the Roughriders to enjoy so much fun in the sun!

Our Discoverers had a paper mache clinic in the afternoon. Half of the group also attempted to cross a "River of Monkeys" on the challenge course! (Such creative minds) Please check back tomorrow for more photos, and more so, please join along side of us as we pray for all three sessions here this week.


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