Staff Dedication at Midwest Bible Church

Yesterday morning, the staff rose bright and early for our trip to Midwest Bible Church in Chicago, IL. The ride there was about an hour and a half; despite the 7:30 AM wake up call, no one fell asleep, thanks to our Executive Director, Roy Tanner, who eagerly taught the staff the Phantom Ranch theme song on the way. I can speak for all of us when I say we had a lot of fun attempting to sing along. We're trying, Roy! Hopefully we'll get a chance to show off our newly learned tune soon.

The church service was wonderful, as I had expected. Pastor Marco spoke on God using Christians (what a fitting topic). All the members of Midwest Bible Church are so welcoming and hospitable. We are eternally grateful that that they opened their hearts, and church doors for us so willingly. Here is a photo I snapped of the staff ascending the stage for the Staff Dedication. It was truly a heart warming experience to have the entire church body pray for us and our ministry this Summer. 

After the service, the PRBC staff had a few moments to get to know some of the church-goers at Midwest. 

Then, the staff was served a tasty meal by some very loving ladies at the church. The pasta was a big hit! We are so thankful for all the hard work put in to the preparation of our lunch. God bless the hands that made it! The experience was fantastic and inspiring. Hopefully I'll be able to return to Midwest Bible Church some day soon!  

Thanks again to Midwest Bible Church for our Staff Dedication, excellent food, good company, and many prayers.


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