Sami : HSMT 2012

Hi! My name is Sami and I am a part of HSMT (High School Missions Team) here at PRBC, along with my friend Ashley, who posted a blog a few days ago. I also attended Young Teen week earlier this month. This week, I am here for Phase II of HSMT. This week we learned about different jobs around camp, and tried out a new job every day. On Monday, I was on dish crew. Tuesday I worked at the waterfront. Wednesday I shadowed the counselors in the cabin Bronco Buster, and today I am working with Kara learning more about Parent Communications.
The first phase of HSMT made a great impact of my life. We were learning about God while having fun. Some of the things that I did included learning how to share the GOSPEL, how to share my testimony with others, praying, hiking/rock climbing/ swimming at Devil Lake, visiting the zoo in Madison, camping, and other great things. In about two weeks, I'm going to Super Teen week here at PRBC. This will be my first year doing it so I am super excited!
In total, I will be at camp for 4 weeks this summer. Also, this is my 6th year that I have been going to camp. PRBC is always the highlight of my summer.
This week has been crazy tiring but it was so worth the lack of sleep. Seeing all these campers developing their relationships with God has been absolutely amazing and it's been a blessing that I could be here for it. I'm so happy that I could help in every way that I could so that they'd have the best week ever. Please keep all of us in your prayers as this week comes to a close. Thanks xx (:

Here's a picture of my cabin from Young Teen last week! I'm wearing a orange tank top and jean shorts. (:


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