End of Staff Training: Hello Summer!

Staff training is over, and it's time to welcome campers to Phantom Ranch! This week was packed with orientations, hard work, and preparing our hearts for the summer ahead. 

We spent a day fasting and reflecting on the mission to which God has called us. The day was spent in prayer, asking God to focus our minds and hearts. We would appreciate your prayers as well for a successful summer of reaching campers for Christ. Throughout the coming weeks, our blog will be updated on what's happening at camp, and there will be plenty to pray for! 

On our last day of training, staff ran drills and learned how to respond in emergency situations. They are truly equipped for whatever comes their way!

Continue to follow the blog for more exciting news about what we are doing this summer! The first campers of summer arrive tomorrow, and we are pumped to meet them!

Staff "worried" about a lost camper in our Missing Camper Drill

Life guards and counselors practice the Waterfront Buddy System

Staff really get into character during drills!


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