Wednesday Update!

Yesterday was HOT!!! Probably one of the hottest days of the summer! But the heat and humidity did not slow us down!

Fortunately, yesterday we played water games! In the morning the campers played a game called Operation Neptune. Then after the game they had a belly flop competition. Each team sent volunteers to belly flop, all in the pursuit of getting more points! In the afternoon during camper choice some of the campers camp down and had fun on the blob! Others played Dan Mayer in paintball!

After dinner was SURGE! Surge is a camp original that the campers start training for in Roughriders! The Youngteen campers play a toned down version, but the Superteeners get the full deal! Surge is a slip-n-slide obstacle course. There are belly bumpers, moving obstacles, and at the end is the blob which they have to jump over! It’s is a very intense game, but also super fun! After the game the campers were able to wash off in the lake and then headed off to chapel.

Last night in chapel Scott spoke about the importance of friendship. He used the friendship between Paul and Barnabas as an example. Barnabas was a vital component of Paul’s ministry. He encouraged, he supported, and he included Paul. The name Barnabas means encourager (Acts 4:32-36). He was called that because he encouraged those around him. Barnabas supported Paul (Acts 9:23-30). When Paul first became a believer, people were still frightened of him because of his past. Barnabas was not afraid and vouched for Paul by giving testimony of his conversion. Barnabas included Paul in his ministry (Acts 11:19-26). Barnabas brought Paul with him when he preached in Antioch. Scott encouraged the campers to not only find true friends like Barnabas but be that kind of a friend to others!

This morning and afternoon have been jam packed with fun activities! Before lunch each cabin was given 30 min to make a boat out of cardboard and duct tape. Then they went down to the lake and raced them! Obviously, the boats didn’t hold up very well but they still had fun! After lunch they all went up to the five acre field and played Ultimate Funnel! This was a Ultimate frisbee variant that allows all four teams to play at the same time! Tonight they had their last big team game, Capture the Flag! (pictures of that will be coming soon) This week is going by so fast!

Thank you all for your prayers! Please continue to pray and ask that these last few days of camp are awesome and life changing!

Operation Neptune!

Belly Flop!

Worshiping with Pursuit!
Building a boat!

Yes this is a boat!

Ultimate Funnel!


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